Clockwise from bottom left: Kevin Mackay, Joanna Bryniarska, Sue Russell (Deputy Head of BSR) Varda Caivano, SB, Rosslynd Piggott, Katherine Lapierre, Jacopo Benci (Fine Art Director, BSR), Geraldine Wellington (Residence Manager, BSR), Diana Taylor and Richard Gaspar
This is the Fine Art cohort attempting to do louche on the BSR steps - five minutes before our opening..
Someone, Richard I think, suggested we channel Bullingdon Club; we failed happily...
I should have mentioned before, that we owe our title Fountains & Drains, to the very lovely Peter Partner who was here at the end of April. It was something he had said in a passing conversation with Rosslynd (about the school in bygone times and Rome) and the moment she told us, we knew that we had the perfect title for our show. Thank you Peter!
I decided to test my SAR shoes (Swanning-About-Rome) I have been saving them for this very occasion..

(£4 in a Plymouth charity shop - bargain!) they were fine for the first two hours but torture after...
The opening was really well attended

The man in the hat is Joseph Kosuth

And here are some of the artists with their work..

luckily the weather stayed fine

Thank You to Peter Fane-Saunders for these pictures of the evening.
Afterwards we held our own party in the dining room although on a much, much smaller scale than the one we attended at the German Academy, (more school disco or family party in your parents' front room) it was very British and rather fab!
Here are some general views of the show which I took on Saturday, it's on until 18th June and if you are in Rome then we would love to see you!

Here's Kevin, he was doing the same thing for his blog - I can't get the link to work but the address is:
www.kevinmckayart.com and it is all filed under 'Rome Diary'

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