Due to vague desultory breakfast enquiries over a few mornings it was decided that we host the 2011 Marmite v Vegemite Challenge.
This is a savoury variation on the 2008 Cream Tea Challenge which Tony Clancy and myself planned (Dorset v Cornwall) and which was aborted owing to my move to Cornwall (which automatically made Cornwall the winner)...enough....
Anyway as we are truly international here (and were all at a loose end yesterday afternoon at teatime) we went for broke to decide which was better - Marmite or Vegemite.

We managed to find 2 testers - Raphael from Brazil and Michelle from Canada. Raphael does actually know and like Marmite but has never tasted Vegemite and Michelle has never tasted either.
We were quite professional about it and both had to clean their palates with water first...

And to make it fair we made Raphael do a blind tasting (he took his glasses off)

A very serious conversation then ensued, about how much salt was in each (lots) and the consistency - marmite brown and shiny - vegemite more black and matte - both quite viscous... Anyway to cut a long story short, Marmite ended up being the more preferred (vegemite was blander, marmite more piquant) according to the other Australians staying here they already hated both Marmite and Vegemite and said that we should have included Promite! But since no-one had any (can't be that good then - can it??)...
Michelle did say that she would NEVER, EVER eat either again and please don't make her...
Tesco Yeast Spread beats all comers - BSR supplies under armed guard in Director's apartment.